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Be Ready for Business Networking

The new year is a busy time for business owners. It’s a time to think about taxes, budgets, and plans for the year to build the business. One of the most common ways business owners work to build a business is through business networking. Some business owners will join a weekly or monthly group, while others will take advantage of a local chamber of commerce. Regardless of the form of networking you are doing, you must do more than show up. Being prepared for serious networking takes some effort. Here are a few things you can do to prepare yourself for when you meet with your group and when it is your turn to give a presentation about your business.

Business Cards

You don’t have to be involved in networking to need business cards. Even with the advent of digital cards, physical business cards are still a great way to get your name out there and help people remember who you are. However, today’s business cards are not the same as previous generations. Business cards today are made from better stock. A high-quality business card’s look and feel can help you stand out.

Brochures and Folders

It’s one thing to talk to someone about what you do. However, the person you are talking to is also talking to as many people as you have. So the chances of that person remembering everything you said is close to zero. Your business card can help them remember who you are, but a custom brochure is great to hand out to really let someone learn about your business. Brochures made from high-quality stock are easy to carry and as easy to hand out as your business card. When you are ready to go to the next level with someone and give them more detailed information about your business, branded folders are a great way to show someone you are serious about your business.

Retractable Banners

When you speak in front of a group, you usually get 5 or 10 minutes to make your point and relay as much information as possible. A great way to make an impression on a group is to have your own banner that is easy to carry and set up. Attract the audience and maximize your exposure by having your logo and contact information readily available for anyone to copy down while you are speaking. You will look like the consummate professional when you can give your presentation standing in front of your own banner.


While presenting, you may want to have images or information you can refer to, and there might not be time or technology available to set up a laptop. GatorFoam is stronger than other foam boards. In addition, these boards are printed in high resolution, so you can get detailed images to show off your work. GatorFoam boards are meant for indoor use only, but the high quality of the board will allow you to use your signs over and over without worrying about wear and tear.

You can’t show up and hope for the best when selling your products or services. Instead, you have to prepare and be ready to show others that you are serious about what you do, and they cannot go wrong by putting their trust in you. Most people will have business cards to hand out, but won’t go any further than that. When you work with Burhani Signs and Graphics, we help take your networking game to the next level.

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